
Data Resiliency

Today’s Data Security Challenge: The data landscape is continuously evolving, challenging IT organizations to build and maintain data protection and management strategies that can evolve with their data as well as withstand increased regulatory oversight. 

Critical data must be protected from loss or breach, while data privacy regulations, such as GDPR, make it even more critical that organizations understand what data they have and be able to make actionable decisions regarding it. This creates pressure for IT teams, which are already struggling to meet the myriad of needs posed by the different types of data distributed across organizations. 

These challenges include: 

Multiple, disparate data sources – Data sources are spread across a variety of systems and services, such as endpoints, physical and virtual servers, SaaS applications (ex. Microsoft 365), and AWS infrastructure (IaaS / PaaS). Protecting data across each of these sources requires multiple vendor solutions, resulting in backup data silos, administrative complexity, and increased costs. 

Exponential data growth – Organizations are overflowing with data, with more than half doubling their online data in the past 24 months. Without adequate visibility into this data, IT lacks the ability to optimize storage costs, enforce proper data retention policies, or respond quickly to data discovery requests. 

New cloud workloads – As organizations begin to transition workloads and services to the cloud, IT is left with a mix of on-premises and cloud data silos, which create data protection gaps and strain already burdened IT teams. 

Green Torque with Druva can assist customers to secure their data and the make it highly resilient.Hence the customer can take control of their data with secure, scalable, on-demand data protection and management. 

Green Torque has partnered with Druva to deliver Industry’s First and At-Scale SaaS Platform for Data Resiliency to our customers. 

The Druva Data Resiliency Cloud is the only at-scale SaaS platform designed for your multi-cloud world. Through a single, unified console, you can easily manage all your data resiliency services across physical and virtual on-premises workloads, cloud-native and SaaS applications, and critical IT endpoints. 

The Druva Data Resiliency Cloud brings the simplicity, scalability, and security of the public cloud to enterprise data protection and management. As the industry’s first and only at-scale SaaS platform, it advances an organization’s cyber, data, and operational resilience without any hardware, software, or associated complexity. Customers can protect data and gain visibility into applications across multiple locations and clouds.

